But where are you REALLY from?

Because you're not from here.

Made In America…Right?

I started this newsletter because 90% of the time, I like to know what’s up with my food (and 10% of the time I just want fries and candy). There are so many sketchy things going on with the food, it’s good to go to the store and grab beef labeled “product of the USA'‘, right? Nothin’ like homegrown meat.

You may want to sit down for this one.

Meat labeling in the US is controlled, I mean regulated, by the Food Safety and Inspection Service. They have stated here that as long as the meat was processed, packaged, or repackaged in the United States, it can have the label “Product of the USA”. Ew.

Who Is It Hurting?

Great Question.

  1. Local Farmers. More people are trying to be conscious about what they eat. One way to do this would be to buy goods produced in America, since the likelihood of the goods being more fresh would be high. So while people are buying meat “produced in the USA” thinking they are supporting their country, they are eating meat from Brazil, and the local farmer was never involved. Meanwhile, big food works regularly to make it harder for the local farmer to raise and sell local meat on a large scale.

  2. The consumers. I’m not a scientist. But I’m going to assume that the lowered food safety regulations in combination with the lengthy supply chain provides a greater opportunity for contamination. Not great.

What Can I Do?

Buy Local.

Farmer’s markets. Ever been? On top of goat’s milk soap and essential oils, you can also get local meat there. More ranchers are showing up to sell their meat, in bulk and by cut. You can see the faces of the people who raised your meat, and ask questions.

Buy Meat In Bulk.

I know it may seem like this is the more expensive option, but that may not be the case. At the time of writing this post, I looked up the price of a ribeye roast from Sam’s Club. It’s currently priced at $13.78/lb, or $96.46. Currently, a beef tenderloin roast is $24.78/lb, or almost $93. I think we can agree that Sam’s Club isn’t the most quality beef on the market. In the area I live in, I was able to purchase half of a cow for $1,300. It ended up being 208lbs of beef, costing $6.25/lb. That may be more expensive than your supermarket for ground beef, but that’s a great price for the other cuts. All grass-fed. Worth it.

Raise Your Own

I know this isn’t something that everyone’s lifestyle permits. But if you’re into the idea, know that you aren’t the only one making changes to be more self-reliant.